Arts & Crafts, Featured, Realise your dreams, True Stories

Featured: Tayla Kelley and David Barth

The best life we can live is one that maximizes every skill, every talent, every breath we have and gives it back to the world without reservation… Live it. Elizabeth Obih-Frank

Tayla Kelley, 13, has Primary Immune Deficiency Disease. Her chance to still be alive at age 18 is sixty percent. She has decided not to let the stress of medical treatments and hospitalisation pull her down. What she wants to do with her life is dance; and now she’s “Dancing With The Stars”:

David Barth, born in Rotterdam/The Netherlands in 1998, is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, a form of autism. His special perception, skill and patience find expression in his paintings and comics which show an amazing sense of detail. One of his drawings, “Birds”, features 397 different species; when you follow the link to David’s portfolio, “Birds” is the third thumbnail from the left.

book "Drawing Autism"
cover of "Drawing Autism" - image source: Mark Batty Publisher

Since his first exhibition in 2005 David has won several awards. In 2009, “Birds” was David’s contribution to “Drawing Autism”. For more information on this book please visit the publisher: Mark Batty Publisher.

Enjoy and let yourself be inspired 🙂


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9 thoughts on “Featured: Tayla Kelley and David Barth”

  1. Great post – sometimes we become so obsessed with where we think we should be we forget to be where we are now – and most of all we forget to enjoy it! Thanks.

  2. “…sometimes we become so obsessed with where we think we should be we forget to be where we are now – and most of all we forget to enjoy it!” – I just found a new quote for my collection, thank you!
    And thank you for reciprocating my visit 😉

  3. This is beautiful… thank you for sharing them with us. When we feel our world is caving in around us, and we think there is no way out, we should think of those who live life precariously; life on the edge.Thanks again! Maria

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